​Ho-Yin Mak
Associate Professor, McDonough School of Business, Georgetown University​
Selected Awards and Honors
Meta Research Award, Mathematical Modeling and Optimization for Large-Scale Distributed Systems, 2021
Turing Fellowship, The Alan Turing Institute, Since 2021
Poets & Quants Best 40 Business School Professors Under 40, 2019
INFORMS Transportation Science & Logistics (TSL) Best Paper Award, 2019
M&SOM Journal Best Paper Award, 2019
M&SOM Journal Best Paper Award, 2018
Student Nomination for Most Acclaimed Lecturer Award, Oxford University Student Union, 2017
First Prize, INFORMS Energy, Natural Resources & Environment Young Researcher Prize, 2014
Faculty and Student Nomination for Michael Gale Medal for Teaching Excellence, HKUST, 2014
School of Engineering Teaching Excellence Appreciation Award, HKUST, 2013
Best Ten Lecturers of HKUST, 2012
Third Prize, Best Paper Award, Chinese Scholars Association for Management Science and Engineering (CSAMSE) Conference, 2012
Honorble Mention, INFORMS Section on Location Analysis (SOLA) - Air Products Dissertation Award, 2009
Outstanding Graduate Student Instructor Award, University of California at Berkeley, 2007
Frederick S. Deibler Award for Excellence in Economics, Northwestern University, 2005
Academic Excellence Award, Department of Industrial Engineering and Management Sciences, Northwestern University, 2005