​Ho-Yin Mak
Associate Professor, McDonough School of Business, Georgetown University​
Journal Publications
H.Y. Mak. Peer-to-Peer Crowdshipping as an Omnichannel Retail Strategy. To Appear in Transportation Science.
H.Y. Mak and R. Tang. Vehicle-to-grid Operations under a Collaborative Platform. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 26(3), 814-833.
S. Arora, J.W. Taylor and H.Y. Mak (2023). Probabilistic Forecasting of Patient Waiting Times in an Emergency Department. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 25(4), 1489-1508.
H.Y. Mak, T. Dai and C.S. Tang (2022). Managing Two-Dose COVID-19 Vaccine Rollouts with Limited Supply. Production & Operations Management, 31(12), 4424-4442.
H.Y. Mak (2022). Enabling Smarter Cities with Operations Management. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 24(1), 24-39.
H.Y. Mak and Z.J.M. Shen (2021). When Triple-A Supply Chains Meet Digitalization: The Case of JD.com’s C2M Model. Production & Operations Management, 30(3), 656-665.
M. Qi, H.Y. Mak and Z.J.M. Shen (2020). Data-Driven Research in Retail Operations - A Review. Naval Research Logistics, 67(8), 595-616.
M.K. Lim, H.Y. Mak and S.J. Park (2019). Money Well Spent? Operations, Mainstreaming, and Fairness of Fair Trade. Production & Operations Management, 28(12), 3023-3041.
G. Ma, M.K. Lim, H.Y. Mak and Z. Wan (2019). Optimal Subsidy Analysis for Promoting Clean Technology Products. Service Science, 11(2), 75-95. [2nd prize, Best Student Paper Award, POMS Hong Kong International Conference 2014 (Awarded to Guangrui Ma).]​​
J. Acimovic, M.K. Lim and H.Y. Mak (2018). Moving Beyond the Speed-Price Trade-off. MIT Sloan Management Review, 59(4), 13-15.
L. He, H.Y. Mak, Y. Rong and Z.J.M. Shen (2017). Service Region Design for Urban Electric Vehicle Sharing Systems. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 19(2), 309-327. [M&SOM Review Blog link.] [Winner of M&SOM Best Paper Award, 2019, and INFORMS TSL Best Paper Award, 2019]
M.K. Lim, H.Y. Mak and Z.J.M. Shen (2017). Proximity and Agility Considerations in Supply Chain Design. Management Science, 63(4), 1026-1041.
H.Y. Mak, Y. Rong and J. Zhang (2015). Appointment Scheduling with Limited Distributional Information. Management Science, 61(2), 316-334. [Electronic Companion].
M.K. Lim, H.Y. Mak and Y. Rong (2015). Toward Mass Adoption of Electric Vehicles: Impact of the Range and Resale Anxieties. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 17(1), 101-119. [INFORMS Press Release link.] [M&SOM Review Blog link.] [Winner of M&SOM Best Paper Award, 2018]
H.Y. Mak, Y. Rong and J. Zhang (2014). Sequencing Appointments for Service Systems Using Inventory Approximations. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 16(4), 251-262. [Extended Appendix: Case with Multiple Servers].
H.Y. Mak and Z.J.M. Shen (2014). Pooling and Dependence of Demand and Yield in Multiple-Location Inventory Systems. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 16(4), 263-269.
S. Bhatti, M. Lim and H.Y. Mak (2014). Alternative Fuel Station Location Model with Demand Learning. Annals of Operations Research, 230(1), 105-127.
H.Y. Mak, Y. Rong and Z.J.M. Shen (2013). Infrastructure Planning for Electric Vehicles with Battery Swapping. Management Science, 59(7), 1557-1575. [Electronic Companion]. [3rd prize, Best Paper Award, Chinese Scholars Association for Management Science and Engineering (CSAMSE) Conference 2012.]
H.Y. Mak and Z.J.M. Shen (2012). Risk Diversification and Risk Pooling in Supply Chain Design. IIE Transactions, 44(8), 603-621.
H.Y. Mak and Z.J. M. Shen (2010). Stochastic Programming Approach to Process Flexibility Design. Flexible Services and Manufacturing, 21(3-4), 75-91.
H.Y. Mak and Z.J.M. Shen (2009). A Two-Echelon Inventory-Location Model with Service Considerations. Naval Research Logistics, 56(8), 730-744.
Books and Edited Conference Proceedings
H.Y. Mak and Z.J.M Shen (2016). Integrated Modeling for Location Analysis. Foundations and Trends® in Technology, Information and Operations Management Series, Now Publishers [Publisher Link] [pdf].
H.Y. Mak and H.K. Lo (Eds., 2012). Transportation and Logistics Management. Proceedings of the 17th International Conference of Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies.
Book Chapters and Conference Proceedings
L. He, H.Y. Mak and Y. Rong (2017). Operations Management of Vehicle Sharing Systems, In M. Hu (Eds.), Sharing Economy: Making Supply Meet Demand, Springer Series in Supply Chain Management.
H.T. Tsang and H.Y. Mak (2014). Robust Optimization Approach to Empty Container Repositioning. In C.Y. Lee and Q. Meng (Eds.), Handbook of Ocean Container Transport Logistics, Springer.
G. Ma and H.Y. Mak (2012). Strategic Deployment of Infrastructure for Electric Vehicles. Proceedings of the 17th International Conference of the Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies, 367-374.
H.Y. Mak and Z.J.M. Shen (2011). Integrated Supply Chain Design Models. In Wiley Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Science.